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( Select 2 inch Stock Inserts )1st Place: 1st Place TD-17091st Place: 1st TD-17161st Place: 1st TD-21601st Place: TD-GLT12nd Place: 2nd Place TD-17122nd Place: 2nd TD-17172nd Place: 2nd TD-21612nd Place: TD-GLT23rd Place: 3rd Place TD-17133rd Place: 3rd TD-17183rd Place: 3rd TD-21623rd Place: TD-GLT34th Place: 4th Place TD-21664th Place: 4th TD-17195th Place: 5th Place TD-21675th Place: 5th TD-17206th Place: 6th Place TD-21686th Place: 6th TD-17217th Place: 7th Place TD-22688th Place: 8th Place TD-22699th Place: 9th Place TD-227010th Place: 10th Place TD-22712024 Year: Class of 2024 Block Black TD-4895-242024 Year: Class of 2024 Block Blue TD-4896-242024 Year: Class of 2024 Block Gold TD-4904-242024 Year: Class of 2024 Block Green TD-4897-242024 Year: Class of 2024 Block Maroon TD-4898-242024 Year: Class of 2024 Block Orange TD-4899-242024 Year: Class of 2024 Block Pink TD-4900-242024 Year: Class of 2024 Block Purple TD-4901-242024 Year: Class of 2024 Block Red TD-4902-242024 Year: Class of 2024 Block Yellow TD-4903-242024 Year: Class of 2024 Script Blue TD-4917-242024 Year: Class of 2024 Script Pink TD-4916-242024 Year: Flames Black TD-4905-242024 Year: Flames Blue TD-4906-242024 Year: Flames Gold TD-4907-242024 Year: Flames Green TD-4908-242024 Year: Flames Maroon TD-4909-242024 Year: Flames Orange TD-4910-242024 Year: Flames Pink TD-4911-242024 Year: Flames Purple TD-4912-242024 Year: Flames Red TD-4913-242024 Year: M2USA TD-4919-242024 Year: Paw Black TD-4920-242024 Year: Paw Blue TD-4921-242024 Year: Paw Brown TD-4922-242024 Year: Paw Green TD-4923-242024 Year: Paw Maroon TD-4924-242024 Year: Paw Orange TD-4925-242024 Year: Paw Pink TD-4926-242024 Year: Paw Purple TD-4927-242024 Year: Paw Red TD-4928-242024 Year: Paw Yellow TD-4929-242024 Year: Shooting Stars Black TD-4915-242024 Year: Shooting Stars Blue TD-4914-242024 Year: Stars & Stripes TD-4930-242025 Year: Class of 2024 Block Black TD-4895-252025 Year: Class of 2024 Block Blue TD-4896-252025 Year: Class of 2024 Script Blue TD-4917-252025 Year: Class of 2024 Script Pink TD-4916-252025 Year: Class of 2025 Block Gold TD-4904-252025 Year: Class of 2025 Block Green TD-4897-252025 Year: Class of 2025 Block Maroon TD-4898-252025 Year: Class of 2025 Block Orange TD-4899-252025 Year: Class of 2025 Block Pink TD-4900-252025 Year: Class of 2025 Block Purple TD-4901-252025 Year: Class of 2025 Block Red TD-4902-252025 Year: Class of 2025 Block Yellow TD-4903-252025 Year: Flames Black TD-4905-252025 Year: Flames Blue TD-4906-252025 Year: Flames Gold TD-4907-252025 Year: Flames Green TD-4908-252025 Year: Flames Maroon TD-4909-252025 Year: Flames Orange TD-4910-252025 Year: Flames Pink TD-4911-252025 Year: Flames Purple TD-4912-252025 Year: Flames Red TD-4913-252025 Year: Light Blue Wave TD-4918-252025 Year: M2USA TD-4919-252025 Year: Paw Black TD-4920-252025 Year: Paw Blue TD-4921-252025 Year: Paw Brown TD-4922-252025 Year: Paw Green TD-4923-252025 Year: Paw Maroon TD-4924-252025 Year: Paw Orange TD-4924-252025 Year: Paw Pink TD-4926-252025 Year: Paw Purple TD-4927-252025 Year: Paw Red TD-4928-252025 Year: Paw Yellow TD-4929-252025 Year: Shooting Stars Black TD-4915-252025 Year: Shooting Stars Blue TD-4914-252025 Year: Stars & Stripes TD-4930-254H: 19275 [3D Doming not available]4th of July: Run TD-25304th of July: TD-2528Air Guitar: Air Guitar TD-2447Air Hockey: Air Hockey TD-3896Airforce: FCS-180 [3D Doming not available]All Star: Rainbow TD-4821All Star: Starbow TD-2193All Star: You're an ALL STAR TD-4822Ambulance: TD-4292American Cancer Society: FCS-110 [3D Doming not available]American Flag: TD-1707Animals: Birds- Canary TD-2434Animals: Birds- Parakeet TD-2441Animals: Birds- Turkey TD-3390Animals: Bulls- Angus Bull TD-2534Animals: Bulls- Brahman Bull TD-2536Animals: Cat- American Shorthair TD-2482Animals: Cat- Black Persian TD-2449Animals: Cat- Blue Russian TD-1050Animals: Cat- Burmese TD-2451Animals: Cat- Cat Show TD-1046Animals: Cat- Maine Coon TD-2483Animals: Cat- Oriental TD-2513Animals: Cat- Ruddy Abyssinan TD-2450Animals: Cat- Siamese TD-2484Animals: Chicken TD-3181Animals: Cows- Angus Cow TD-2342Animals: Cows- Angus Steer TD-2535Animals: Cows- Dairy TD-2354Animals: Dogs- Beagle TD-2448Animals: Dogs- Bloodhound TD-4030Animals: Dogs- Boston Terrier TD-2531Animals: Dogs- Collie TD-2524Animals: Dogs- Coon in Tree TD-2611Animals: Dogs- English Bulldog TD-2525Animals: Dogs- Foxhound TD-2526Animals: Dogs- German Short Hair Pointer TD-2532Animals: Dogs- Lhasa Apso TD-2527Animals: Dogs- Pomeranian TD-2533Animals: Goat Dairy TD-3182Animals: Horses- Appaloosa TD-2218Animals: Horses- Arabian TD-2217Animals: Horses- Pinto TD-2262Animals: Horses- Tennesse Walking Horse TD-2296Animals: Horses- Thoroughbred TD-2267Animals: Koi- TD-1732Animals: Koi- TD-1862Animals: Pig TD-3633Animals: Rabbits- Rabbit Show TD-2445Animals: Sheep TD-3183Archery: Target & Arrows TD-3630Archery: TD-1538Arm Wrestling: Arm Wrestling TD-3810Army: 19451 [3D Doming not available]Army: FCS-184 [3D Doming not available]Art: Painting TD-3871Art: Palette & Brush TD-1555Art: Still Life TD-3870Attendance: Perfect Attendance TD-3068Attendance: Seal TD-1556Auto | Racing: Antique Car Show TD-2299Auto | Racing: Dirt Bike Fire TD-2582Auto | Racing: Drag Racing: TD-1537Auto | Racing: Fire & Water TD-3162Auto | Racing: Hot Rod TD-3632Auto | Racing: Modern Car Show TD-2315Auto | Racing: Modern Mustang TD-1457Auto | Racing: Moto GP TD-1009Auto | Racing: Motocross TD-1655Auto | Racing: Quad Racing TD-2422Auto | Racing: Race Flags TD-1562Auto | Racing: Racing Flags TD-2541Auto | Racing: TD-1632Auto | Racing: Tire on Fire TD-4093Auto | Racing: Viper TD-1650Awareness Ribbon: Black TD-4016Awareness Ribbon: Blue TD-4017Awareness Ribbon: Flag TD-4018Awareness Ribbon: Green TD-4019Awareness Ribbon: Grey TD-4169Awareness Ribbon: Pink TD-4020Awareness Ribbon: Purple TD-4021Awareness Ribbon: Red TD-4022Awareness Ribbon: White TD-4023Awareness Ribbon: Yellow TD-4024Axe Throwing: Photo TD-4823Axe Throwing: Target TD-4824AYSO-Soccer: AYSO 14-1 Poly-Doming not availableAYSO-Soccer: AYSO S64 [3D Doming not available]Babies: TD-1930Babies: TD-4420Babies: TD-4421Backgammon: TD-4536Badminton: TD-1863Baking: Cookies TD-1825Baking: Pastry Chef TD-3872Baking: Pies TD-2114Baseball: Aerial TD-1864Baseball: Ball TD-1531Baseball: Batter TD-4397Baseball: Batter Up! TD-3147Baseball: Breakthrough TD-4091Baseball: Dixie Baseball 14-68 [3D Doming not available]Baseball: Fielder TD-2540Baseball: Fire & Water TD-3148Baseball: Glove TD-2537Baseball: Junior TD-2614Baseball: Krunch TD-2409Baseball: Last Place TD-4546Baseball: Lightning TD-4150Baseball: Losers TD-4540Baseball: M2USA TD-2311Baseball: Pee-Wee/ Kids TD-3261Baseball: Pitcher TD-4398Baseball: Pony Baseball 14-53 [3D Doming not available]Baseball: TD-1040Baseball: Tribal TD-1735Basketball: Aerial TD-1867Basketball: Ball & Hoop TD-3653Basketball: Bracket Challenge TD-4002Basketball: Breakthrough TD-4090Basketball: Defense TD-3188Basketball: Female Lightning TD-4281Basketball: Fire & Water TD-3164Basketball: Flames TD-1530Basketball: Junior TD-2613Basketball: Krunch TD-2408Basketball: Losers TD-4541Basketball: M2USA TD-2312Basketball: Male Lightning TD-4149Basketball: Pee-Wee/ Kids Female TD-3259Basketball: Pee-Wee/ Kids Male TD-3260Basketball: Slam Dunk TD-2261Basketball: TD-1035Basketball: Toonz TD-1715Basketball: Tribal TD-2151Basketball: Zombie Basketball TD-3660Bass Fishing: TD-2609Bass Fishing: TD-2610Baton Twirling: TD-1376Baton Twirling: TD-3772Battle of the Bands: TD-1472BBQ: Barbecue TD- 2356BBQ: Brisket TD-4630BBQ: Grill Master TD-3342BBQ: Ribs on Grill TD-4629BBQ: Ribs on Plate TD-4628Bean Bag: TD-2321Beer Pong: Fire & Beer TD-3773Beer Pong: TD-1025Beer Pong: Tournament TD-4296Beerlympics: TD-1693Bicycle | BMX: Cycling TD-3370Bicycle | BMX: Freestyle CJ-106 Poly-Doming not availableBicycle | BMX: Freestyle TD-1391Bicycle | BMX: TD-1419Billiards: Fire & Water TD-3163Billiards: TD-2191Billiards: TD-2418Billiards: Tribal TD-2153Birthday: Cake & Candles TD-2420 Birthday: Gymnastics Birthday TD-2407Boating: 19272 [3D Doming not available]Boating: Canoeing TD-2431Boating: Crew TD-3343Boating: Kayak TD-3344Boating: Rowing TD-3389Boating: Sailing TD-1388Bocce | Lawn Bowling: TD-1042Bodybuilding: Female TD-3463Bodybuilding: Male TD-2295Bodybuilding: Male TD-2298Bowling: Bowling Ball TD-2263Bowling: Fire & Water TD-3776Bowling: Krunch TD-2406Bowling: M2USA TD-2317Bowling: Motion TD-2253Bowling: TD-2128Bowling: TD-2207Bowling: TD-2573Bowling: Tribal TD-2180Boxing: Fight TD-2297Boxing: Lightning TD-4151Boxing: TD-1884Boxing: TD-2279Boy Scouts: SIS-1 Poly-Doming not availableBoys and Girls Club: SIS-46 Poly-Doming not availableBreast Cancer Awareness: Hope for a Cure TD-4162Breast Cancer Awareness: Pink Ribbon TD-4020Broomball: TD-1027Bullying: Stop Sign TD-4876Bullying: TD-4875Car Show: Antique Car Show TD-2299Car Show: Modern Car Show TD-2315Card Games: Black Jack FCS-415 Poly-Doming not availableCard Games: Bridge TD-1422Card Games: Canasta TD-2309Card Games: Cards Generic TD-3263Card Games: Euchre TD-1498Card Games: Poker TD-3038Card Games: Texas Hold Em TD-1336Champion: Bevel TD-4640Champion: Trophy TD-4639Champion: Vintage TD-4641Chanukah: Dreidel TD-4492Chanukah: Menorah TD-4491Chanukah: Star of David TD-4490Cheerleading: Cheerleader TD-3831Cheerleading: Coed TD-4092Cheerleading: Megaphone & Pennant TD-3690Cheerleading: Megaphone & Pom-Poms TD-1551Cheerleading: Mount TD-2116Cheerleading: Pink Stars TD-3819Cheerleading: TD-4532Cheerleading: USA TD-2273Chess: King & Queen TD-3187Chess: TD-1550Christmas: 1st Place Ugly Sweater TD-4390Christmas: Candle & Ornament TD-1534Christmas: Christmas Decorations TD-4202Christmas: Christmas Tree & Presents TD-4206Christmas: Elf in a Snow globe TD-4201Christmas: Fruitcake Toss TD-3818Christmas: Most Ugly Sweater TD-4391Christmas: Number One Ugliest Sweater TD-4392Christmas: Rudolph TD-4203Christmas: Santa Run TD-3816Christmas: Santa Run TD-4204Christmas: Santa's List TD-3808Christmas: Snowman TD-1533Christmas: Snowman TD-4205Christmas: Soccer TD-1544Christmas: TD-2419Christmas: Ugly Christmas Sweater TD-3807Christmas: Ugly Christmas Sweater TD-4047Christmas: Ugly Christmas Sweater TD-4048Christmas: Ugly Christmas Sweater TD-4049Christmas: Ugly Sweater Crawl TD-4394Christmas: Ugly Sweater Run TD-4393Cinco de Mayo: Guitar TD-4834Cinco de Mayo: TD-4833Citizenship: School TD-4830Citizenship: Stars TD-4829Coach: TD-1553Coach: Whistle TD-2542Coast Guard: SIS29 Poly-Doming not availableColor Guard: 1176 Poly-Doming not availableCompany Picnic: Company Picnic TD-2303Computer: Laptop TD-1926Cooking: Bacon TD-4631Cooking: BBQ TD-2356Cooking: Chili Pot TD-1392Cooking: Grill Master TD-3342Cooking: Pastry Chef TD-3872Cooking: TD-1504Cooking: TD-2223Cornhole: Cornhole Board TD-4644Cornhole: Cornhole King TD-4642Cornhole: Cornhole Queen TD-4643Cornhole: TD-1012Creative Writing: Laptop TD-1730Creative Writing: TD-1729Crew: Crew TD-3343Cricket: TD-2210Cricket: TD-2452Croquet: TD-1197Croquet: TD-3774Cub Scouts: SIS-48 Poly-Doming not availableCup Stacking: TD-3631Cup Stacking: TD-4082Curling: TD-1001Cycling: TD-3370CYO: FCS-115 Poly-Doming not availableDance: Ballet Female TD-3848Dance: Ballet Male TD-3847Dance: Ballet Shoes TD-3860Dance: Ballet TD-1636Dance: Ballroom Dancing TD-1036Dance: Ballroom Dancing TD-3838Dance: Belly Dancing TD-3855Dance: Bling TD-3854Dance: Clogging TD-1500Dance: Feis TD-1206Dance: Generic Dance TD-3369Dance: Hip Hop DJ TD-2260Dance: Hip Hop Female TD-3853Dance: Hip Hop Male TD-3852Dance: Hip-Hop Female Lightning TD-4152Dance: Hip-Hop Female TD-3849Dance: Hip-Hop Male Lightning TD-4153Dance: Hip-Hop Male TD-3850Dance: Hip-Hop TD-1033Dance: Latin Dancing TD-3866Dance: Splatter TD-3858Dance: Square Dancing TD-2423Dance: Star Dancer Black/Gold TD-3961Dance: Star Dancer Fuschia/Gold TD-3960Dance: Star Dancer Gold/Purple TD-3959Dance: Star Dancer Purple/Silver TD-3958Dance: Star Dancer Red TD-3374Dance: Tap Shoes TD-3859Dance: Tap/Jazz 7091 Poly-Doming not availableDance: Tap/Jazz TD-1558Dance: TD-1637Dance: Top Hat & Cane TD-3865Darts: Fire & Water TD-3160Darts: TD-1631Debate: Gavel TD-2301Debate: TD-1038Derby: M2USA TD-2606Derby: Pinewood Flying Cars TD-4395Derby: Pinewood Starting Line TD-3216Derby: Pinewood TD-1423Derby: Powder Puff TD-3869Derby: Regatta Two Boats TD-2405Derby: Regatta Winner TD-2404Derby: Space Rocket TD-2403Derby: Space Shuttle TD-2402Derby: TD-2596Disc Golf: Disc Golf TD-3864Discus: TD-1536Diving: Diving Female TD-1651Diving: Diving Male TD-1559Dixie Youth Baseball: 14-68 Poly-Doming not availableDodgeball: Aerial TD-1879Dodgeball: Fire & Water TD-3777Dodgeball: Krunch TD-2411Dodgeball: Tribal TD-2181Dominoes: Black TD-2442Dominoes: White TD-2443Drag Racing: TD-1537Drama: TD-1552Duathlon: Female TD-4648Duathlon: Male TD-1002Duathlon: Unisex TD-4649Eagles: TD-1658Eagles: TD-2115Earth Day: April 22nd TD-4083Earth Day: Recycle TD-4087Earth Day: TD-1501Easter: Bunny Running TD-3962Easter: Happy Easter TD-3868Education: Academic Excellence TD-3069Education: Academic Excellence-TD-1796Education: Apple TD-1554Education: Art Painting TD-3871Education: Art Still Life TD-3870Education: Art TD-1555Education: Attendance TD-1556Education: Congrats Grad TD-4086Education: Creative Writing TD-1729Education: Creative Writing TD-1730Education: Honor Roll TD-3063Education: I Love Math TD-4010Education: Kindergarten Graduation TD-4748Education: Lamp of Knowledge TD-1678Education: Literature TD-1635Education: M2USA TD-2436Education: Math TD-2079Education: Mathematics TD-2080Education: Outstanding Student Chalkboard TD-2294Education: Outstanding Student TD-1681Education: Perfect Attendance TD-3068Education: Reading Books TD-3062Education: Reading TD-3061Education: Salutatorian TD-4817Education: Science Fair TD 2352Education: Science TD-1682Education: Speech TD-3066Education: Spelling Bee TD-1563Education: Spelling Bee TD-1565Education: Star Student TD-4025Education: Student Council TD-2310Education: Super Kid TD-1728Education: Valedictorian TD-4816Egg & Spoon Race: TD-1424Egg Toss: TD-1425Elks: FCS-120 Poly-Doming not availableEquestrian: Equestrian TD-3885Essential Heroes: Caduceus TD-3304Essential Heroes: Essential Hero TD-4811Essential Heroes: Fight & Win TD-4814Essential Heroes: Front Line Hero TD-4815Essential Heroes: Front Line Warrior TD-4813Essential Heroes: In This Together TD-4812Euchre: TD-1498Exercise | Fitness: Cross Fitness TD-4534Exercise | Fitness: Most Weight Lost Female TD-4088Exercise | Fitness: Most Weight Lost Male TD-4089Exercise | Fitness: Pole Dancing TD-2421Exercise | Fitness: Weight Lifting TD-1549Family Reunion: TD-2229Family Reunion: TD-2230Fantasy Baseball: Losers TD-4540Fantasy Baseball: TD-1487Fantasy Baseball: TD-1505Fantasy Basketball: Fantasy TD-3895Fantasy Basketball: Losers TD-4541Fantasy Basketball: TD-3651Fantasy Football: Field Goal TD-4143Fantasy Football: Field TD-4142Fantasy Football: Losers TD-4542Fantasy Football: TD-1486Fantasy Football: TD-1491Fantasy Golf: Losers TD-4543Fantasy Golf: TD-4144Fantasy Hockey: TD-1540Fantasy Racing: TD-3652Fathers Day: Best Dad TD-3372Fathers Day: I Love Dad TD-3371FBLA: FCS-130 Poly-Doming not availableFBLA: SIS-60 Poly-Doming not availableFencing: Adult TD-1024Fencing: Youth TD-1026FFA: SIS-27 Poly-Doming not availableField Day: Eagle 1st TD-1359Field Day: Eagle 2nd TD-1360Field Day: Eagle 3rd TD-1361Field Day: Eagle Participant TD-1363Field Day: Eagle TD-1358Field Day: Eagle Winner TD-1362Field Day: Torch 1st Place TD-1348Field Day: Torch 2nd Place TD-1349Field Day: Torch 3rd Place TD-1350Field Day: Torch Participant TD-1351Field Day: Torch TD-1347Field Day: Torch Winner TD-1352Field Hockey: TD-2546Field Hockey: TD-2572Figure Skating: Couple TD-2222Figure Skating: Female Skates TD-3184Figure Skating: Female TD-2221Figure Skating: Male Skates TD-3693Film: Film TD-4012Firefighter: 7089 Poly-Doming not availableFirefighter: Firefighter TD-4029Firefighter: TD-1630Fishing: Bass Fishing TD-2609Fishing: Bass Fishing TD-2610Fishing: Derby Kid's TD-4754Fishing: Derby Lure TD-4755Fishing: Derby Splash TD-4756Fishing: Fishing TD-4014Fishing: Hooked TD-2188Flag Football: Krunch TD-1014Flag Football: TD-2224Flag: Australia TD-4864Flag: Canada TD-4749Flag: Ireland TD-4750Flag: Italy TD 4751Flag: Puerto Rico TD-4752Flag: UK TD-4753Flying Disc: TD-1207Flying Disc: TD-1208Flying Disc: Ultimate TD-1452Foosball: Krunch TD-2417Foosball: TD-2208Football: Aerial TD-1868Football: Breakthrough TD-3691Football: Fire & Water TD-3159Football: Flag Football Krunch TD-1014Football: Flag Football TD-2224Football: Flames TD-1529Football: Junior TD-2615Football: Krunch TD-2401Football: Losers TD-4542Football: M2USA TD-2313Football: Pee-Wee/ Kids TD-3258Football: Pop Warner 14-18 Poly-Doming not availableFootball: Pop Warner FCS-145 Poly-Doming not availableFootball: Punt Pass Kick TD-4037Football: Tackle TD-4084Football: TD-1545Football: TD-1694Football: Tribal TD-2428Football: Turkey Bowl TD-3791Futsal: Ball TD-4826Futsal: Game TD-4827Gaga: TD-4892Gaming: Dice TD-4828Gaming: Military TD-1526Gaming: Racing TD-1528Gaming: Scrabble TD-4625Gaming: Soccer TD-1527Girl Scouts: SIS-36 Poly-Doming not availableGOAT: GOAT Blinged Out TD-4941GOAT: The G.O.A.T. Smoothed Out TD-4940GOAT: The Goat Cartoon TD-4942Golf: Aerial TD-1871Golf: Ball TD-1030Golf: Clouds TD-2232Golf: Fire & Water TD-3153Golf: Hole TD-2219Golf: Losers TD-4543Golf: M2USA TD-2320Golf: Miniature Golf TD-2771Golf: TD-1516Golf: TD-2206Graduation: Congrats Grad TD-4086Graduation: Kindergarten TD-4748Great Job: Starbow TD-4835Guitar Hero: TD-2497Guitar: TD-1003Guns: Pistol Shooting TD-2430Gymnastics: Bling TD-3867Gymnastics: Female Aerial TD-1945Gymnastics: Female Handstand TD-1733Gymnastics: Female Pike TD-1946Gymnastics: Female Side Leap TD-1947Gymnastics: Female Split TD-1734Gymnastics: Female US Flag TD-4389Gymnastics: Gymnastics Birthday TD-2407Gymnastics: Leap TD-1877Gymnastics: Male US Flag TD-4013Gymnastics: Rhythmic Silhouette TD-3844Gymnastics: Rhythmic TD-1016Gymnastics: Rhythmic TD-1037Gymnastics: Tumbling & Trampoline TD-1377Gymnastics: Walkover TD-1878Halloween: Running TD-1841Halloween: Bobbing For Apples TD-1053Halloween: Costume Contest TD-1196Halloween: Dracula TD-3654Halloween: Dracula TD-4033Halloween: Frankenkid TD-2307Halloween: Frankenstein TD-2495Halloween: Frankenstein TD-4034Halloween: Happy Halloween Coffin TD-4174Halloween: Happy Halloween Kids TD-4170Halloween: Happy Halloween Pumpkin TD-4172Halloween: Happy Pumpkin TD-2433Halloween: Haunted Convention TD-1281Halloween: Haunted House TD-1244Halloween: Krunch TD-1329Halloween: Monsters TD-4032Halloween: Mummy Kid TD-2305Halloween: Mummy TD-4035Halloween: Pumpkin Carving TD-2383Halloween: Pumpkin Spider & Ghost TD-4038Halloween: Pumpkin Tree TD-4200Halloween: Skeleton TD-1245Halloween: Soccer TD-1269Halloween: Trunk or Treat Kids TD-4173Halloween: Trunk or Treat TD-4171Halloween: Two Pumpkins TD-2496Halloween: Werewolf TD-3655Halloween: Werewolf TD-4036Halloween: Witch & Moon TD-3650Halloween: Witch Kid TD-2306Halloween: Zombie Basketball TD-3660Halloween: Zombie BRAINS! TD-3659Halloween: Zombie Fun Run TD-4650Halloween: Zombie Mud Run TD-4297Halloween: Zombie Pumpkin TD-1928Halloween: Zombie Run Hazard TD-4175Halloween: Zombie Run TD-3373Halloween: Zombie Soccer TD-1929Halloween: Zombie Walk TD-4176Halloween: Zombie Walking TD-2446Handball Team: FCS-488 Poly-Doming not availableEuropean: FCS-488 Poly-Doming not availableHandball Team: TD-3386European: TD-3386Handball Team: TD-3387European: TD-3387Handball: TD-1013Hockey: Aerial TD-1870Hockey: Fire & Water TD-3157Hockey: GOAL! TD-4085Hockey: Junior TD-3029Hockey: Krunch TD-2382Hockey: Lightning TD-2580Hockey: M2USA TD-2439Hockey: TD-1656Honor Roll: Honor Roll TD-3063Horses: Appaloosa TD-2218Horses: Arabian TD-2217Horses: Equestrian TD-3885Horses: Horse Racing TD-3873Horses: Horse Show TD-2424Horses: Horses Rear TD-3886Horses: Pinto TD-2262Horses: TD-1634Horses: Tenn Walking Horse TD-2296Horses: Thoroughbred TD-2267Horseshoe: TD-1629Hot Dog Eating: TD-3388Humor: Last Place TD-1885Humor: Loser! TD-1860Humor: Outhouse TD-1886Humor: Stinker! TD-1861Hunting: Coon in Tree TD-2611 Hunting: Hunting TD-2302Inline Skating: Skating TD-3067Jiu Jitsu: TD-1240Jump Rope: TD-1006Junior Achievement: 14-9 Poly-Doming not availableK of C: SIS-11 Poly-Doming not availableKaraoke: TD-1028Karate: TD-1668Karate: TD-2227Karting: TD-2278Karting: TD-2280Kayak: Kayak TD-3344Kick Boxing: TD-2226Kickball: Aerial TD-1880Kickball: Fire & Water TD-3778Kickball: TD-1031Kickball: TD-1048Kickball: TD-2205Kiteboarding: TD-2435Knife Throwing: TD-2432Kung Fu: TD-1209Lacrosse: Aerial TD-1881Lacrosse: Flame TD-2259Lacrosse: Junior TD-2620Lacrosse: Motion TD-3111Lacrosse: Pee-Wee/ Kids TD-3269Lacrosse: TD-1043Lacrosse: TD-1667Lacrosse: TD-3110Lacrosse: TD-4015Last Place: Baseball Losers TD-4540Last Place: Basketball Losers TD-4541Last Place: Better Luck Next Time TD-2220Last Place: Comic: Last Place TD-1885Last Place: Football Losers TD-4542Last Place: Golf Losers TD-4543Last Place: Loser TD-1860Last Place: Outhouse TD-1886Last Place: Stinker TD-1861Lawnmower Racing: Lightning TD-2607Lawnmower Racing: TD-1462Leadership: TD-4832Leadership: You're A Leader TD-4831Literature: TD-1635Mahjong: TD-2322Manager: TD-1049Marbles: TD-2518Mardi Gras: Beads TD-4837Mardi Gras: TD-4838Marines: 19463 Poly-Doming not availableMarines: SIS-30 Poly-Doming not availableMartial Arts: Dragon TD-2521Martial Arts: Jiu Jitsu TD-1240Martial Arts: Karate TD-2227Martial Arts: Karate-TD-1668Martial Arts: Kickboxing TD-2226Martial Arts: Kicking Co-Ed TD-4423Martial Arts: Kicking Female TD-4419Martial Arts: Kicking Male TD-4422Martial Arts: Kung Fu TD-1209Martial Arts: Lightning Female TD-4154Martial Arts: M2USA TD-2440Martial Arts: Martial Arts TD-2225Martial Arts: Pee-Wee TD-3568Martial Arts: Taekwondo TD-2228Mascots: Bears TD-2233Mascots: Bee TD-2234Mascots: Boars TD-2235Mascots: Buccaneers TD-3569Mascots: Buffalo TD-2236Mascots: Bulldog TD-2237Mascots: Bulls TD-2238Mascots: Chiefs TD-2244Mascots: Cougar TD-2239Mascots: Cowboys TD-2240Mascots: Devils TD-2241Mascots: Eagle TD-2242Mascots: Gator TD-2243Mascots: Knight TD-2194Mascots: Lions TD-2245Mascots: Mustang TD-2258Mascots: Panther TD-2256Mascots: Patriot TD-2246Mascots: PAW Black TD-4118Mascots: PAW Blue TD-4119Mascots: PAW Green TD-4120Mascots: PAW Maroon TD-4121Mascots: PAW Orange TD-4122Mascots: PAW Pink TD-4123Mascots: PAW Purple TD-4124Mascots: PAW Red TD-4125Mascots: PAW TD-3202Mascots: PAW Yellow TD-4126Mascots: Pirate TD-2247Mascots: Shark TD-2248Mascots: Spartan TD-2249Mascots: Tiger TD-2257Mascots: Tiger TD-4547Mascots: Trojans TD-3570Mascots: Viking TD-2250Mascots: Wild Cat TD-4544Mascots: Wild Cat TD-4545Mascots: Wolverine TD-2251Mascots: Wolves TD-2252Masonic: SIS-14 Poly-Doming not availableMath: TD-2079Math: TD-2080Miniature Golf: TD-2771Mixed Martial Arts: TD-1017Model Plane: TD-2523Most Improved: TD-2231Mothers Day: Blue TD-4531Mothers Day: Pink TD-4530Motocross: Fire TD-2582Motocross: Freestyle TD-3883Motocross: Motocross TD-1655Motocross: Race TD-3884Motorcycle: Classic TD-4537Motorcycle: Moto GP TD-1009Motorcycle: Motocross Freestyle TD-3883 Motorcycle: Motocross TD-1655Motorcycle: Race TD-3884Motorcycle: Rt 66 TD-4538Motorcycle: Supercross FCS-559 Poly-Doming not availableMud Run: Mud Run TD-3874Mud Run: Zombie Mud Run TD-4297Multi-Sport: TD-1004Multi-Sport: TD-1876Music: Band TD-1727Music: Bugle TD-1724Music: Chorus TD-1873Music: Clarinet TD-1201Music: Drill Team Majorette TD-1725Music: Drum Corp TD-1726Music: Flute TD-2429Music: Grand Piano TD-3995Music: Guitar TD-1003Music: Orchestra TD-1714Music: Piano TD-1032Music: Saxophone TD-1051Music: Singer Soloist TD-1875Music: Singer TD-1874Music: Violin TD-1052MVP: TD-2192Navy: 19452 Poly-Doming not availableNavy: SIS-31 Poly-Doming not availableNetball: Ball & Net TD-3468Netball: TD-2453New Years: Happy New Year TD-3851Novelty: Baseball Losers TD-4540Novelty: Basketball Losers TD-4541Novelty: Better Luck TD-2220Novelty: Football Losers TD-4542Novelty: Golf Losers TD-4543Novelty: Horses Rear TD-3886Novelty: Last Place TD-1885Novelty: Loser TD-1860Novelty: Outhouse TD-1886Novelty: Stinker TD-1861Nursing: Nursing TD-4026Paddle Ball: TD-4938 BallPaddle Ball: TD-4939 RacquetPageants: King TD-3060Pageants: M2USA TD-2605Pageants: Photogenic TD-2349Pageants: Talent TD-2350Pageants: TD-1557Pageants: Top Model TD-2348Paintball: Female Lightning TD-4155Paintball: Krunch TD-2381Paintball: Star Theme TD-1519Parakeet: TD-2441Participant: TD-3035Pedal Pull: TD-1005Photography: Photography TD-4027Photography: TD-2118Pickleball: TD-1008Ping Pong: TD-1010Ping Pong: TD-2255Platform Tennis: TD-2522Poker: TD-3038Poker: Texas Hold em TD-1336Police: Police TD-4028Polo: TD-1021Pony Baseball: 14-53 Poly-Doming not availablePop Warner: 14-18 Poly-Doming not availablePop Warner: FCS-145 Poly-Doming not availablePub Crawl: Glasses TD-4651Public Speaking: Speech FCS-552Punt Pass Kick: TD-4037Quads: Quad Jump TD-3887Quads: Quad Racing TD-2422Quads: TD-1454Racing Flags: Race Flags TD-1562Racquetball: TD-1390RC Racing: Airplane TD-2304RC Racing: Boat TD-1474RC Racing: Car TD-1473Reading: Reading Books TD-3062Reading: Reading TD-3061Recycling: Recycle TD-4087Religion: Bible Quizzing TD-2308Religion: Bible TD-2209Religion: Cross TD-1893Religion: Rosary Cross TD-2538Religion: Star of David TD-2379Rhythmic: Silhouette TD-3844Rhythmic: TD-1016Rhythmic: TD-1037Robotics: Robotics Battle TD-2351Robotics: TD-1927Rocketry: TD-4825Rodeo: Bucking Horse TD-3888Rodeo: Bull Riding TD-3021Rodeo: TD-1045Roller Derby: Grunge TD-4746Roller Derby: TD-3629Roller Skating: TD-4031Rowing: Rowing TD-3389Rugby: Ball in the grass TD-3032Rugby: Female TD-4533Rugby: TD-1023Rugby: TD-1520Rugby: TD-3031Running: 10K TD-1835Running: 13.1 TD-4040Running: 26.2 TD-4041Running: 5K TD-1834Running: 5k TD-4039Running: Fun Run TD-1722Running: Fun Run TD-1723Running: Fun Run TD-4757Running: Half Marathon TD-1839Running: Halloween Running TD-1841Running: Marathon TD-1840Running: Zombie TD-4650Sack Race: TD-1393Sack Race: TD-4624Sailing: TD-1388Saint Patricks Day: Leprechaun Mud Run TD-4524Saint Patricks Day: Leprechaun Run TD-4518Saint Patricks Day: Leprechaun TD-2378Saint Patricks Day: Soccer TD-3994Saint Patricks Day: St Patricks Day 10K TD-4521Saint Patricks Day: St Patricks Day 5K TD-4520Saint Patricks Day: St Patricks Day Dash TD-4522Saint Patricks Day: St Patricks Day Fun Run TD-4519Saint Patricks Day: St Patricks Day Mud Run TD-4523Saint Patricks Day: St Patricks Day Run TD-4517Saint Patricks Day: St Patricks Day TD-3839Sales: TD-1648Science Fair: TD-2352Science: Microscope TD-1682Scrabble: TD-4625Service Recognition: 10 years TD-3072Service Recognition: 15 years TD-3073Service Recognition: 20 years TD-3074Service Recognition: 5 years TD-3071Service Recognition: Achievement TD-3075Service Recognition: Best of the Best TD-3083Service Recognition: Congratulations TD-3084Service Recognition: Employee of the Month TD-1542Service Recognition: Employee of the Year TD-1543Service Recognition: Excellence TD-3076Service Recognition: Honor Roll TD-3063Service Recognition: Outstanding Achievement TD-3085Service Recognition: Quality TD-3077Service Recognition: Rising Star TD-3086Service Recognition: Sales TD-3078Service Recognition: Service TD-3079Service Recognition: Special Thanks TD-2545Service Recognition: Star Performer TD-3080Service Recognition: Superstar TD-3081Service Recognition: Top Producer TD-3087Shooting: AK-47 TD-1560Shooting: Beretta TD-1561Shooting: Hunting TD-2302Shooting: Pistol Shooting TD-2430Shooting: Trap Shooting TD-2353Shuffleboard: TD-1029Skateboarding: City TD-2581Skateboarding: TD-1463Skee Ball: TD-2519Skeet Shooting: Clay Pidgeon TD-4632Skeet Shooting: Crossed Guns TD-4637Skeet Shooting: Rifle TD-2103Skeet Shooting: Skeet Female TD-4634Skeet Shooting: Skeet Male TD-4633Skeet Shooting: Skeets TD-2104Skiing: Female TD-3889Skiing: Male TD-3890Skiing: TD-2355Slime: Best SlimeSlime: Slime Graffiti TD-4647Slime: SlimeCraft TD-4646Slo-Pitch: 14-54 Poly-Doming not availableSnowboarding: Female TD-3899Snowboarding: Male TD-3891Snowboarding: TD-1389Snowmobile: TD-2427Snowmobile: TD-3892Soap Box Derby: TD-1007Soccer: Soccer (International) Fire & Water TD-3156Soccer: Aerial TD-1866Soccer: Aura TD-1649Soccer: Breakthrough TD-4094Soccer: Female Lightning TD-4156Soccer: Female Pee Wee/ Kids TD-3393Soccer: Fire & Water TD-3155Soccer: Flame TD-1618Soccer: Girl Kicker TD-4408Soccer: Halloween TD-1269Soccer: Junior TD-3064Soccer: Kick TD-2485Soccer: Krunch TD-2377Soccer: M2USA TD-2314Soccer: Male Lightning TD-4157Soccer: Male Pee Wee/ Kids TD-3394Soccer: Saint Patricks Day TD-3994Soccer: TD-1710Soccer: TD-1711Soccer: TD-2376Soccer: Tribal TD-2150Soccer: Zombie TD-1929Softball: Aerial TD-1865Softball: Batter Male TD-4400Softball: Batter TD-4399Softball: Fire & Water TD-3158Softball: Junior TD-3065Softball: Krunch TD-2375Softball: M2USA TD-2318Softball: Pee Wee/ Kids TD-3305Softball: slo-pitch 14-54 Poly-Doming not availableSoftball: slo-pitch FCS-160 Poly-Doming not availableSoftball: TD-1731Softball: TD-2190Special Thanks: TD-2544Speech: Speech TD-3066Spelling: Spelling Bee TD-1563Spelling: Spelling Bee TD-1565Spikeball: TD-4893Spikeball: TD-4894Sponsor: Eagle TD-3375Sportsmanship: TD-2425Squash: TD-2444Star Performer: Starbow TD-4836States: Alabama TD-4847States: Alaska TD-4846States: Arizona TD-4849States: Arkansas TD-4848States: California TD-4839States: Colorado TD-4850States: Connecticut TD-4851States: Delaware TD-4852States: Florida TD-4840States: Georgia TD-4853States: Hawaii TD-4854States: Idaho TD-4858States: Illinois TD-4856States: Indiana TD-4857States: Iowa TD-4855States: Kansas TD-4859States: Kentucky TD-4860States: Louisiana TD-4861States: Maine TD-4863States: Maryland TD-4841States: Massachusetts TD-4862States: Michigan TD-4865States: Minnesota TD-4866States: Mississippi TD-4868States: Missouri TD-4867States: Montana TD-4842States: Nebraska TD-4871States: Nevada TD-4874States: New Hampshire TD-4843States: New Jersey TD-4872States: New Mexico TD-4873States: New York TD-4844States: North Carolina TD-4869States: North Dakota TD-4870States: Ohio TD-4877States: Oklahoma TD-4878States: Oregon TD-4879States: Pennsylvania TD-4880States: Rhode Island TD-4881States: South Carolina TD-4882States: South Dakota TD-4883States: Tennessee TD-4884States: Texas TD-4845States: Utah TD-4885States: Vermont TD-4887States: Virginia TD-4886States: Washington TD-4888States: West Virginia TD-4890States: Wisconsin TD-4889States: Wyoming TD-4891Student Council: TD-2310Super Kid: Academic Excellence TD-1796Super Kid: Lamp of Knowledge TD-1678Super Kid: TD-1728Surfing: Tandem Surfing TD-4535Surfing: TD-2608Swimming: Diving Female TD-1651Swimming: Diving Male TD-1559Swimming: Female TD-2102Swimming: Male TD-2081Swimming: TD-1000Swimming: TD-1353Swimming: TD-2078Table Tennis: TD-1010Table Tennis: TD-2255Taekwondo: TD-2228Talent: Pageant TD-2350Talent: Star TD-3033Team Mom: TD-1532Team Mom: TD-2543Teamwork: Hands Interlocked TD-4723Technology: Computer Laptop TD-1926Technology: Robotics Battle TD-2351Technology: Robotics TD-1927Tee Ball: Aerial TD-1882Tee Ball: Krunch TD-1836Tee Ball: TD-1837Tennis: Aerial TD-1869Tennis: Female Lightning TD-4159Tennis: Fire & Water TD-3161Tennis: Krunch TD-2412Tennis: TD-1624Tennis: TD-1701Tennis: Tribal TD-2182Thank You: TD-3082Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving TD-3809Thanksgiving: Turkey Bowl TD-3791Thanksgiving: Turkey TD-3390Thanksgiving: Turkey Trot TD-3649Three Legged Race: TD-1453Three Legged Sack Race: TD-4622Top Model: TD-2348Track & Field: Female TD-4745Track & Field: High Jump TD-2520Track & Field: Male TD-2316Track: Cross Country CC TD-4042Track: Cross Country TD-1838Track: Cross Country TD-3658Track: Easter Running Rabbit TD-3962Track: Female Pee Wee/ Kids TD-3392Track: Female TD-4746Track: Junior TD-3097Track: M2USA TD-2416Track: Male Pee Wee/ Kids TD-3306Track: Male TD-1659Track: Track & Field TD-2316Track: Turkey Trot TD-3649Track: Winged-Flag TD-2134Track: Zombie Fun Run TD-4650Track: Zombie Run TD-3373Trap Shooting: Clay Pidgeon TD-4632Trap Shooting: Crossed Guns TD-4638Trap Shooting: Trap Female TD-4636Trap Shooting: Trap Male TD-4635Triathlon: TD-1497Tug of War: TD-1426Tumbling: TD-1695Turkey Bowl: Dinners Ready TD-4197Turkey Bowl: TD-3791Turkey Trot: 5 TD-4198Turkey Trot: Foot Print TD-4199Turkey Trot: TD-3649Turkey: TD-3390Turkey: Turkey Bowl TD-3791Turkey: Turkey Trot TD-3649Twirling: Baton Twirling TD-1376Twirling: Baton Twirling TD-3772Unicorn: Cartoon TD-4820Unicorn: Painted TD-4819United Way: SIS-41 Poly-Doming not availableValentines Day: Cupid TD-3897Valentines Day: Cupids Run TD-4497Valentines Day: Cupids Undie Run TD-4506Valentines Day: Dash TD-4498Valentines Day: Day Dash TD-4499Valentines Day: Roses TD-3898Valentines Day: TD-1039Valentines Day: Valentines 10K TD-4495Valentines Day: Valentines 5K TD-4493Valentines Day: Valentines Day 10K TD-4496Valentines Day: Valentines Day 5K TD-4494Valentines Day: Valentines Day Fun Run TD-4505Valentines Day: Valentines Day Mud Run TD-4501Valentines Day: Valentines Day Run TD-4502Valentines Day: Valentines Fun Run TD-4504Valentines Day: Valentines Mud Run TD-4500Valentines Day: Valentines Run TD-4503Victory: Cup TD-2254Victory: Eagle & Torch TD-3893Victory: M2USA TD-2438Victory: TD-1652Victory: TD-1654Victory: Wheelchair Victory TD-2529Volleyball: Aerial TD-1883Volleyball: Breakthrough TD-4095Volleyball: Female Lightning TD-4160Volleyball: Female Pee-Wee/ Kids TD-3267Volleyball: Fire & Water TD-3154Volleyball: Krunch TD-2360Volleyball: M2USA TD-2319Volleyball: Male Pee-Wee/ Kids TD-3268Volleyball: TD-1041Volleyball: TD-1047Volleyball: Tribal TD-2152Wake Boarding: TD-2514Water Balloon: Toss TD-1502Water Balloon: Toss TD-4623Water Polo: Krunch TD-2413Water Polo: TD-2189Water Polo: Tribal TD-2156Water Skiing: TD-1044Water Sports: Diving Female TD-1651Water Sports: Diving Male TD-1559Water Sports: Surfing TD-2608Water Sports: Swimming Female TD-2102Water Sports: Swimming Generic TD-1353Water Sports: Swimming Male TD-2081Water Sports: Swimming Males TD-1000Water Sports: Swimming Pool TD-2078Water Sports: Water Polo Krunch TD-2413Water Sports: Water Polo TD-2189Water Sports: Water Polo Tribal TD-2156Water Sports: Water Skiing TD-1044Water Sports: Waverunner TD-2300Wave Runner: TD-2300Webelos: SIS-4 Poly-Doming not availableWeight Lifting: TD-1549Weight Loss: Most Weight Lost Female TD-4088 Weight Loss: Most Weight Lost Male TD-4089 Wheelchair Victory: TD-2529Whirlyball: TD-1499Wind Surfing: TD-3391Winner: Confetti TD-4626Winner: Lights TD-4627Wrestling: Female TD-4725Wrestling: Head Gear TD-4724Wrestling: Junior TD-3900Wrestling: Krunch TD-2359Wrestling: Match TD-3262Wrestling: Match TD-4396Wrestling: Pee Wee/ Kids TD-3307Wrestling: TD-1657Wrestling: TD-2414YMCA: 14-25 Poly-Doming not availableZombies: Basketball TD-3660Zombies: Brains! TD-3659Zombies: Pub Crawl TD-4653Zombies: Pumpkin TD-1928Zombies: Soccer TD-1929Zombies: Zombie Fun Run TD-4650Zombies: Zombie Kid TD-2446Zombies: Zombie Mud Run TD-4297Zombies: Zombie Run Hazard TD-4175Zombies: Zombie Run TD-3373Zombies: Zombie Run TD-ZMBRN-DMZombies: Zombie Walk TD-4176I do not want an insert: No Insert Selected
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Size: 9 inches Customize this trophy: Choose your insert Synthetic Base Size: 3.75 x 3.63 x 2 inches Engraving Plate Size: 1.45 x 2.52 inches Need additional plates? use item# EP607
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